nepenthean's Diaryland Dream Diary


Badly drawn eyes are the windows to a trash can

I started off in a crowded building talking to one of those religious street krishna types with the long robes about something non-religious. I thought he knew a mutual connection but it turned out he didn’t. So I left and sat down at a picnic table outside where someone was already sitting. That was a mistake. We started arguing almost immediately. This was a person who was either offended that you dared to speak to them at all, and/or thought anything you said was immediately hilarious in a condescending way, or wanted immediate proof of your point. I said that they flashed their eyes at me the way the PhilMyPortraits guy draws eyes. I was immediately put upon to hand over my phone and show this to them which resulted in more scoffing laughter. I sat on the bench in my head going, just let me leave already. I should never have talked to you.

10:54 a.m. - 2023-12-25


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