nepenthean's Diaryland Dream Diary


Party atmosphere

I showed up somewhere best described as a grassy outdoor event space. It had elements of either a massive home compound or a swanky mall with adjacent public grounds that people could bring blankets and chairs to and attend fun events. I had brought some bulky items to this place and found myself dropping them off with the lights off. I was inside doing whatever when it was suggested I go outside and see what was going on. I went outside to find several famous women out on the lawn in fancy gowns taking photos. Lady Gaga was in the middle in black, making the monster hand gesture. It was not her event however. I walked around the lawn observing the attendees. Someone I was dating was there and we talked quickly about whether to stay or leave. There was more but I forgot it. Sources: changing storage facilities, family celebrations, twilight, nostalgia

10:31 a.m. - 2024-01-06


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