nepenthean's Diaryland Dream Diary


Why I’m not cool

I was on a make-your-own-pizza date in a cool hotel with a younger version of Robert Downey, Jr. I stood in front of the pizza station and added extra cheese to my pie. I looked to Robert back at the table but he was quiet and not making eye contact. (He was too cool.) He did not in fact make his own pizza. I ate and then made my way across the room to where Henry Rollins was receiving an award. He was very tall and wore a blue kilt. My impression was I had arrived a hair too late to find out what the award was, but it seemed like a Rock Hall of Fame kind of fete. Some of the cheese I had eaten earlier was still in my mouth and took a long time to chew through. I had been trying for more than five minutes to get through it but it seemed I was making no progress. No waitresses had visited for drinks and there were no napkins. Where was I going to put all this? I was mortified to be pulling stretched cheese out of my mouth like bubble gum. My main worry wasn’t choking but losing my teeth trying to get it out. It was welded to my whole upper mouth.

11:24 a.m. - 2023-09-08


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