nepenthean's Diaryland Dream Diary


hallways, baggage…

I had the impression initially that I was in a large hotel, but the hallway was similar to what you’d find in an airport - super wide, and everyone was on the move. I was headed toward the back. I made a right turn and suddenly I was driving ever so slowly behind a hallway full of high schoolers. There were no other cars, only me. I shouldn’t have been on this particular sidewalk because this fed into the building. The kids did not part for me to pass. Suddenly the car disappeared and I was sitting at a table with a lot of stuff. Another instance of having to sort and pick up all this stuff before leaving, but it was taking an enormous amount of time, so much so that I wanted to leave it and go, but I’m not a litterer, and by the time I was almost ready, someone else had come and sat down at the table.

8:17 a.m. - 2023-09-02


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