nepenthean's Diaryland Dream Diary


Commercial, traffic, footwear

Three in a row, very fast changing:

1. A cereal company put together an irreverent ad where its spokesman fell in a rain-soaked tree and slid down a curved branch to the ground while promoting the brand. It was not a graceful fall, face first into the ground..The brand had nothing to do with nature.

2. I entered an intersection where someone was already coming through on the far right. I got the horn from him. It was a young dorky-looking guy in a khaki-colored jacket with greasy hair driving a grandpa-mobile like a Ford Taurus. I hadn’t hit him but I had the impression he may have hit me in the past.

3. At my destination I noticed I was wearing super flimsy shoes. No arch support whatsoever, the sole somehow worse than Converse. They had a plaid design and were super dirty. I took one off and examined it over and over. Where did these awful shoes come from? I was like an amnesiac. I held it at the toe and flopped it several times. No idea.

8:47 a.m. - 2023-08-29


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