nepenthean's Diaryland Dream Diary


Guest dream: Frank - A flurry of violence

Frank and I were in the kitchen in the morning. The sliding glass door was in the kitchen, and a guy was out there trying to get in. Frank yelled for me to get a knife to fend off this intruder. I grabbed one and said to let him in. Frank opened the door, tackled him, and I went bananas, stabbing him here, there and everywhere. Frank said it was like a movie full of gratuitous violence, blood squirting all over and sound effects from each stab wound. At the front door there came a rattling sound. Frank opened the door to find just a head screaming that we were going to die. Frank grabbed a knife and stabbed its face. I began kicking it like a soccer ball against the wall. The head bounced upward and stuck to the ceiling above the fireplace. I threw a shoe at it and when it hit the floor, it scurried over to me and tried to bite my feet. So there was more kicking until it stopped moving. Then he woke up.

11:19 a.m. - 2023-07-29


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