nepenthean's Diaryland Dream Diary



I had gone into the backyard to shut off the irrigation and found a lush lawn and actual sprinklers going. I was in shock. A female neighbor appeared and showed me where the box was and proceeded to bash around in it.I knew this was an electrical panel, not an irrigation box, and I wasn’t impressed. She said, come here, I want to show you something. We went over to what I thought was a tool shed but a big warehouse full of horror movie stuff. I am not a horror fan generally, but I recognized some items. The lady disappeared and my guide was basically Redban from Kill Tony. He was wearing a suit and showing me some lawyer’s advertising decals on a car. We were in semi-agreement that if you have to have a gimmick as an attorney to get clients, you might be a sh*tty lawyer.

Sources: yard work convo, Renutty, electrical repair, true crime doc about a girl assaulted in a barn, dad on lawyer advertising

8:25 a.m. - 2023-06-30


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