nepenthean's Diaryland Dream Diary


Picnic table psychology; can’t perform

Sitting at a picnic table in a park on a warm sunny day. A couple sits next to me, their toddler playing slightly out of my vision. I asked the father if he thought he had an inferiority complex. He repeated it back to me thoughtfully while not making eye contact. No reaction from the wife. He seemed the type to tell a woman she couldn’t do something or that he could do it better than she could… without actually doing it of course. I left and went to a store in a strip mall. I was taken aback when the woman behind the counter asked me to fill out a long packet. It was multiple choice but I wasn't ready for it and demurred. She chastised me and encouraged me to fill it out because it was needed. Well, I was brain dead then, couldn’t think. I couldn’t do it then.

12:36 p.m. - 2024-02-01


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