nepenthean's Diaryland Dream Diary


Looking for something

The entire dream was spent looking for something. I don’t even know what it was that I was seeking, but I looked so thoroughly through every contraption I have. Every cell phone, every tablet, every cabinet, every suitcase, every backpack, every book with things sticking out. Past a paper airline ticket from the 90s so it wasn’t that. Repeatedly I stopped on certain objects due to the flood of memories brought on by them — an old wallet, old cellphone. Then there was confusion over cell phones and tablet sizes that were smaller than I remembered them being. I had a cell phone the size of a large apple? Say three inches tall? Surely, I couldn’t have. But there it was in my possession. It looked like an adapter you’d plug into the wall. A tablet that was eight inches tall? It was like it had miniaturized. I combed so much I would forget whether I had been over that item before or not. It was exhausting. Whatever I was looking for I didn’t find.

6:20 p.m. - 2024-01-26


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