nepenthean's Diaryland Dream Diary


Advantage, bald guy from TBP, canceled date

The original fundraising office. I was in there with the bald guy from TBP. I was sneaking Reese’s peanut butter cups out of the freezer when I said, “Don’t tell (the boss).” He chuckled and said he reports my snacking to him every night. I froze. He said he was kidding. It occurred to me that I had a date that night. I decided to wait for him to get in touch with me about it. That resulted in quite a delay apparently. When he finally did make contact I said, “Oh! Let’s do it then,” and he said, “Let’s not try to salvage this.” Okay then. I left with the bald guy driving. Forgot the rest.

8:47 a.m. - 2024-01-14


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