nepenthean's Diaryland Dream Diary


80 year olds in the military

T had written a check, a donation, to a teacher whom he’d later yelled at for something and never apologized. I was in her office for some reason and took it off of her desk. I didn’t really have permission but I didn’t think she would be upset about it. The check was already expired. I felt like I was removing the offense. The scene stayed in her office but turned to another subject. It seemed the government was gearing up for a draft and demanding everyone register, even the most ancient citizens. Both of our oldest relatives had to declare themselves too old to fight. There was an aura of “hurry up and get the papers in order” in the air. I did not feel that we also needed to file draft cards for ourselves, only them.

8:34 a.m. - 2023-07-15


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