nepenthean's Diaryland Dream Diary


Peace out

I went to visit a middle aged woman whom I’m positive was modeled after Ruby Wax by my brain… slightly younger, wearing sunglasses inside a beat up looking two story house. Leaf debris everywhere outside, house in bad need of a paint job, some menacing dogs around… stereotypical bad lady/witch’s house. I went up the house stairs outside and into the building and approached her like a reasonable person. “My brother is out,” I declared, “aaaaaand I think I’m out too.” She gave me a look. I could see her eyes above the sunglasses. “Yeah….” I didn’t feel a whole lot of strength but I did have some. I hoped she wouldn’t retaliate. Whatever I was “out” of, I guess I still enjoyed it but… in the way that you don’t want to be the last person at the party, I decided to quit. She didn’t put up a fight about it. I started to go out the door to a patio. Did I even know what I was leaving? I’m not sure. I was just relieved she didn’t give me a hard time about it.

1:43 p.m. - 2024-05-04


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