nepenthean's Diaryland Dream Diary



I was walking around the grounds of a building a bit aimlessly when someone said for the 40 millionth time, “You can do that online.” So online I went only to discover someone impersonating me/Megan Fox in another window. A chat screen was up in the middle of the screen that said, “Megan Fox is now online.” Was it the actress or was my name MF? The entire background was black so I assumed it was a hacker.. What joy. Only I think I left it up? I didn’t want to touch anything. (My awake brain disagrees with this decision.) I went into the other window where a cooking/lifestyle show for girls in their 20s was going. It was a lot of pinks, oranges, a lot of jewelry, a lot of makeup and smiles. I kept watching it even though I was far beyond their target audience. I forgot the rest.

9:43 a.m. - 2023-10-28


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