nepenthean's Diaryland Dream Diary


Anarchist chef

I visited a super fancy resort and dined in the restaurant on night number one. Several people joined me including Alexey apparently. During the course of the meal there was a dustup between the chef and the other girl in my party. Apparently she left the resort completely. Alexey left the table but he was still in the building somewhere I assumed. The manager came out to see what was happening and smooth things over. The meal had come out wrapped in heavy paper like when you order shrimp from a deli. I had no problem with it but our friend was sent spinning apparently. The man said that the chef, Boris, liked to mess with people’s expectations to see how they’d react. I wasn’t upset at all, but I guess I wasn’t the target of his antics.

5:15 p.m. - 2023-06-02


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