nepenthean's Diaryland Dream Diary


Dead last

I agreed to join a cycle race through a neighborhood and quickly realized I was not going to be able to complete it. I could barely get started in fact. I was sitting similarly to how you ride a big wheel, very low to the ground, but my wheels were shot. The plastic hubcap was warped and kind of melted. I couldn’t get any momentum because the wheels were scraping against the ground, not really rolling. I was aware of how stupid and unproductive this was but I continued. I was fully prepared to scrape my way down the road. Except… all the energy I had was being wasted on this first stretch. I was out of shape and my thighs were not going to be able to hack it. I couldn’t even get to the corner. All the other racers were long gone.

8:21 a.m. - 2023-11-07


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