nepenthean's Diaryland Dream Diary


Steve and Karen part II

I dreamed I had a significant gap in my day and flew to the midwest to hang out. I met S & K in the airport and yukked it up. S did not know I was coming and was very surprised to see me. The kids were not there and when I left, I did not attempt to see them which should have been the whole point. When I left the airport initially I was back in my home city but on the boulevard in a big crowd. Eventually I extracted myself but realized I had forgotten my money so I went home to retrieve $20. I found myself at what I think was a women’s hostel and spent most of my time trying to avoid a woman across the hall. She was young and eclectic in a 90s way. Lots of jewelry, yellow colored overalls, etc. She wanted me to wear some weird clothes and hang out somewhere but I just wasn’t feeling her. Eventually I realized watching her Docs under the door was impractical when I could just use my voice and say no and be respected. Ahh - the key to so much of life is revealed.

Sources: wanting to go back home; Lisette in the newspaper; childish tactics of introverts

8:49 a.m. - 2023-10-01


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