nepenthean's Diaryland Dream Diary


musical restaurant chairs

Frank and I went to a restaurant but ended up not seated together repeatedly in the span of about ten minutes. When we first got there it was packed, but he saw someone he knew so he slid into the guy’s booth to say hello. The guy looked like Sammy Hagar in his heyday (lol). I stood somewhat awkwardly in the aisle and fretted that if they took my order while waiting for a table, they might bring it while I’m still standing and then where would I eat it? In the meantime Frank had finished with this guy and went to another table across the room. It was a solo seat and as soon as he got there he decided to use the bathroom. He called to me across the restaurant to see if I could figure out which seat was his. Being observant I figured out the path to his seating area. When I got over there he was telling everyone around that he was going to take me out for fish. Evidently not at this restaurant he wasn’t. He still hadn’t ordered yet but there were toast crumbs in front of him. How did he choose a seat that hadn’t been cleared yet?

Sources: ignoring the salmon in favor of leftovers, late night grilled cheese

9:00 a.m. - 2023-08-25


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