nepenthean's Diaryland Dream Diary


Birthday bullsh*t

I was somewhere in South America, no idea why. At dinner during dessert everyone got upset (understandably) because fireworks had been added to the candle. It was a single birthday candle with a tiny showering firework effect. More than a sparkler. Anyway, everyone was startled. Thankfully it didn’t set anything on fire. The scene changed and I was in a bus in flooded water. A man walking his steer behind the bus yanked his animal back when something appeared to collide with them. I thought it was a person. I hadn’t realized the streets were flooded and perhaps the man was swimming past. I didn’t particularly think about trying to help him. I don’t think you could get a horned animal onto a bus without a ramp. (?) I didn’t try.

11:13 a.m. - 2024-04-20


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