nepenthean's Diaryland Dream Diary


Doom cloud

I was in the discount movie theater parking lot when I noticed a big ugly cloud floating overhead. Rumor had it that this cloud was full of nuclear gases and all kinds of yucky things. People all across the city were panicking. I didn’t know what to do. Suddenly I found myself on a boat in the ocean. The ship had two sections, possibly two different boats traveling together, and the first one was two stories and had an absurd amount of glass. I was on the second one in the back. There was a fight going on in the front of boat #1. I had heard Putin was aboard (because of course he was) so I just tried to just keep a low profile. I did not have a plan B.

Sources: rumors of war, window salesperson

7:46 a.m. - 2023-04-20


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